Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cowboy Up!

As we prepared to board the puddle jumper to Philadelphia, the US Airways customer service rep waved us over and loudly whispered, "Your flight has been cancelled. I'm telling you this before the general announcement so you can make it to the ticket counter before everyone else. You'll board a bus to make your connection."  This after arriving three hours early to the airport. After standing in the TSA line for an hour. After walking a country mile to the farthest gate in the terminal. Boy patiently waiting, playing cards, and going wherever and whenever we told them to.
We trekked to the ticket counter and to baggage claim and back to learn that the flight, in fact, had not been cancelled and US Airways was going to pull a plane out of the mothballs for us. In all we spent five hours at BWI when we could have driven to Philly in two. Bob Carter told us to "Cowboy up!" so we invoked our Takoma Park karma and arrived just as passengers began boarding the flight to Glasgow.
Exhausted but in good spirits, the boys began suffering from RID, Reduced Intellect Disorder, where their goofball quotient is directly correlated to the number of boys present. Their first practice, held at William Wallace High School, should help with that. 
And I'm sorry that the photos aren't aligning properly but I'm too tired to care.


  1. Thanks, Heather! Hope it was not too bad all in all. Know that the boys (and adult chaperones) will have fun.

  2. Thanks for your awesome comments. Sorry to hear that the trip was less then perfect (atleast they did not lose your luggage) but you made it to Scotland alive and intact and that is the most ( only) important thing! I know the boys will have a blast, i hope you chaperones have a fabulous time, highly deserved :-)

  3. Thanks for sharing and so sorry for the long trek. Now we know why the itinerary included an adult whiskey tasting - Cheers!

  4. Sorry to hear about crazy experience at BWI. Glad to hear that everyone is ok. Enjoy the rest of the trip.
